the Mediterranean versus the Red Sea |
In this page you will find the news about the project. 2017
Date: 29 September 2017 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: The CoralWarm project has been presented to the public at the Bologna edition of the European Researchers' Night. See the event pictures here.
Date: 3-5 March 2017 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: CoralWarm results have been disseminated to the public during the annual European Dive Show. See the event pictures here.
Night in Bologna
Date: 30 September 2016 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: The CoralWarm project has been presented to the public at the Bologna edition of the European Researchers' Night. See the event pictures here.
13th International
Coral Reef Symposium
Date: 19-24 June 2016 Location: Honolulu, Hawai'i (USA) Description: CoralWarm will be present at the Symposium of the International Society for Reef Studies with two oral presentations. The new CoralWarm Book will be presented by Springer during the conference.
new CoralWarm PhDs: Chiara Marchini and Francesca Gizzi
Date: 17 May 2016 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: Chiara and Francesca got their PhD in Biodiversity and Evolution after defending her Thesis work at the University of Bologna. See the event pictures here.
CoralWarm at the Laura Bassi high school (Bologna, Italy) during the
International Mother Earth Day
Date: 22 April 2016 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: Stefano and Fiorella presented CoralWarm activities at the Laura Bassi high school, as special activity for the International Mother Earth Day. See the event pictures here.
European Dive Show
Date: 4-6 March 2016 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: CoralWarm results have been disseminated to the public during the annual European Dive Show. See the event pictures here. 2015
Night in Bologna
Date: 25 September 2015 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: The CoralWarm project has been presented to the public at the Bologna edition of the European Researchers' Night. See the event pictures here.
new CoralWarm PhD: Michela Reggi
Date: 30 April 2015 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: Michela Reggi got her PhD in Chemistry after defending her Thesis work at the University of Bologna. See the event pictures here.
European Dive Show
Date: 6-9 March 2015 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: CoralWarm results have been disseminated to the public during the annual European Dive Show. See the event pictures here.
2015 ASLO Aquatic Sciences
Date: 22-27 February 2015 Location: Granada, Spain Description: CoralWarm results have been disseminated at the annual meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). See the event pictures here. 2014
Date: 26 September 2014 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: The CoralWarm project has been presented to the public at the Bologna edition of the European Researchers' Night. See the event pictures here.
Seminar: "Corals and coral reefs
in space and time"
Date: 5 May 2014 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: The visiting professors Howard Lasker and Mary Alice Coffroth will give two seminars at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna. Check out the event flier here. See the event pictures here.
European Dive Show
Date: 14-17 March 2014 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: CoralWarm results have been disseminated to the public during the annual European Dive Show. See the event pictures here. 2013
International Conference on Coelenterate Biology"
Date: 1-6 December 2013 Location: Eilat, Israel Description: CoralWarm preliminary results will be presented at the conference. Check out the conference website here. See the event pictures here.
ERC Infoday
Date: 29 October 2013 Location: Napoli, Italy Stefano Goffredo participated to the Information Day of the European Research Council as delegate for the CoralWarm project.
Annual conference of the Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences"
Date: 13-14 March 2013 Location: Mikhmoret, Israel Description: CoralWarm preliminary results will be presented at the conference. Check out the conference website here. 2012
CoralWarm Meeting
Date: 18-19 December 2012 Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Description: Meeting of the CoralWarm team, to update each other about the results of the various work packages and to plan future steps of the project. Download the meeting agenda (.Pdf)
Italian Meeting
Date: 27 November 2012 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: Meeting of the Italian team to update each other on project progress and plan future steps.
Date: 17 October 2012 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: CoralWarm participated to a public event organized by UNIBO to divulge to the citizens the research activities of the University.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 21-30 June 2012 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
"In the City
Square Between Bubbles and Corals"
Date: 1-2 June 2012 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: A public event to divulge to the citizens the CoralWarm activities at the underwater volcanic crater of Panarea and increase their environmental awareness about ocean acidification effects on marine organisms.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 27 April-5 May 2012 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
CoralWarm Proof of Concept
funding by the European Research Council
Date: 14 February 2012 Description: The ERC awarded the Proof of Concept funding to Zvy Dubinsky, as ERC grant holder for the CoralWarm project, to develop the prototype of the photoacoustic instrument to be used in CoralWarm. The funded project is named "A photoacoustic instrument for measuring health of corals and aquatic plants" (ECHOGREEN). Download the ERC press release (.Pdf) 2011
CoralWarm Meeting
Date: 12-13 December 2011 Location: University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Description: Meeting of the CoralWarm team, aimed at organizing the future steps of the project. Download the meeting agenda (.Pdf) At the end of the meeting, Oren Levy gave a seminar entitled "The complexity of circadian clocks in symbiotic corals". Download the seminar flier (.Pdf)
experiment at Panarea
Date: 23 November-4 December 2011 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
Israel Cooperation on Climate Change Programme
Date: 2 November 2011 Location: University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel Description: Prof. Zvy Dubinsky presented CoralWarm project as an exemple of EU-Israel cooperation for climate change related topics. Download the event flyer (.Pdf)
experiment at Panarea
Date: 24 July-3 August 2011 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
sampling at Elba Island
Date: 4 July 2011 Location: Elba Island, Italy Description: The eighth mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 1-8 June 2011 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
sampling at Palmi
Date: 30-31 May 2011 Location: Palmi (Reggio Calabria), Italy Description: The seventh mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
sampling at Genova
Date: 12-14 April 2011 Location: Recco (Genova), Italy Description: The sixth mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
survey at
Portofino (Genova)
Date: 30 March 2011 Location: Recco, Italy Description: Preliminary mission of WP1 to select the best sampling point for collecting corals to be used in the various work packages.
sampling at Calafuria
Date: 24-25 March 2011 Location: Calafuria, Italy Description: The fifth mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
sampling at Scilla
Date: 23-25 March 2011 Location: Scilla, Italy Description: Mission of WP1 for sampling corals to be used in WP3.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 1-9 March 2011 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
sampling at Pantelleria
Date: 1-4 March 2011 Location: Pantelleria, Italy Description: Mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages. 2010
Date: 13-17 December 2010 Location: Wagenigen, Netherlands Description: CoralWarm was present at the European Symposium of the International Society for Reef Studies with poster and oral presentations.
sampling at Elba Island
Date: 6-7 December 2010 Location: Elba Island, Italy Description: The fourth mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
Italian-Israeli Forum on Science and Technology
Date: 23-24 November 2010 Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Description: CoralWarm has been presented to this important meeting as succesful example of cooperation between the two countries.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 12-18 November 2010 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
Italian Meeting
Date: 3 November 2010 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: A meeting of the italian team to plan future work.
The Night of the
Date: 24 September 2010 Location: Bologna, Italy Description: A booth was set up in the public exhibition to perform experiments, demonstrations of scientific activities, and public scientific dissemination.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 13-17 September 2010 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: Mission to check the transplant experiment set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
sampling at Pantelleria
Date: 8-12 September 2010 Location: Pantelleria, Italy Description: The third mission of WP1 for sampling corals and environmental parameters to be used in various work packages.
experiment at Panarea
Date: 10-16 July 2010 Location: Panarea, Italy Description: A transplant experiment has been set in Panarea (Mediterranean Sea) for studying the effects of seawater acidification on three species of Mediterranean corals.
sampling at Scilla
Date: 5-8 July 2010 Location: Scilla, Italy Description: The second Mediterranean sampling mission of the project.
sampling at Palinuro
Date: 29 June-1 July 2010 Location: Palinuro, Italy Description: The first Mediterranean sampling mission of the project.
CoralWarm Kick Off Meeting
Date: 14-19 June 2010 Location: Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel Description: The first meeting of the CoralWarm team, aimed at organizing the first steps of the project.
CoralWarm. Come?! L’idea di un
proposal che ha vinto un ERC grant
Date: 31 March 2010 at 16:30 Location: Aula Magna di Antropologia, Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, Bologna, Italy Description: Dott. Stefano Goffredo will give a seminary about the history of CoralWarm project, from the first idea to the grant agreement, including tips on how to approach the EU granting schemes. Official language is Italian.
The Siren's Song - Listening to
Phytoplankton Photosynthesis by Photoacoustics
Date: 24 March 2010 at 17:30 Location: Aula Magna di Antropologia, Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, Bologna, Italy Description: Prof. Zvy Dubinsky will give a seminary about an innovative method for measuring photosynthesis. The seminary is part of the PhD program in Biodiversity and Evolution of the University of Bologna. Download the event flyer (.Pdf) Official language is English. See the event pictures here. |
Webmaster: Erik Caroselli - 2010-2017