Mediterranean sampling at Palinuro - 29 June to 1 July

The first sampling mission of WP1 in Palinuro. Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Chiara Marchini (Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna) sampled coral specimens and environmental parameters to be used in the various work packages.

In this clip you will see Stefano Goffredo, Chiara Marchini and Maura fixing a thermometer underwater and sampling water for nutrients and alkalinity analysis.
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The Gulf of Policastro.


Stefano Goffredo and Chiara Marchini explain the work to be done to Maura and Roberto of the diving center "Il Pesciolino".
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The ship of the diving center.


Looking for Balanophyllia europaea.
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A colonial species (to be identified).


Maura will sample the corals each month for the reproduction analyses of WP3. Chiara Marchini.
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Chiara explains to Maura how to process the corals after the sampling.


Leptopsammia pruvoti. Coral cleaning.
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Maura, Chiara and Stefano.


Caryophyllia inornata. Balanophyllia europaea.
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Captain Maura brings us to the sampling area.


Cladocora caespitosa.
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Bottles for nutrients and syringes for alkalinity.


Looking for corals inside the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave). A wonderful nudibranch.
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Chiara Marchini takes water samples.


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Chiara Chiara Marchini and Stefano Goffredo in the Grotta Azzurra.


Looking for Caryophyllia inornata.
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Fixing the permanent thermometer.


The thermometer.
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Sulfur bacteria. Maura.
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Going out of the cave.


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Attaching the thermometer outside the cave.


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Nutrient sampling.


Erik Caroselli and Chiara Marchini prepare the samples of water for the anlyses.
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Quadrat sampling by Maura and Erik.


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The cave is covered by corals.


Erik Caroselli.
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Astroides calycularis.


The gulf of Policastro from the hotel.