Erik Caroselli @ Scilla. |
Stefano Goffredo shows the sampling
protocol to Francesco Turano, who will sample the corals wach month for
the reproduction analyses of WP3. |
Stefano Goffredo and Francesco Turano. |
Going to the sampling area. |
The coral bottle. |
Francesco's underwater camera. |
Some equipment. |
Leptopsammia pruvoti. |
Astroides calycularis with a
Sea Cow (Discodoris atromaculata). |
Full of corals. |
Astroides calycularis. |
Phyllangia mouchezii. |
Gianni Neto and his underwater camera. |
Competition for space. |
Other marine life at Scila: Moray. |
Flabellina. |
False coral. Actually it's a briozoan. |
Breams. |
Grouper. |
Other breams. |
Bristleworm. |
Common weever. |
Another bream. |
Various bivalves. |
A strange polychaete. |
Hydroids. |
Starfish and briozoans. |
Tentacles. |
Mullets. |
Breams. |
Lizardfish. |
Pinna rudis. |
Apogon imberbis. |
Golden Grouper. |
Spyrographs. |
Mediterranean trumpetfish. |
Octopus vulgaris. |
Bristelworms. |
Fighting crabs. |
Caramote Prawn. |
Scorpion fish. |
Other spyrographs. |
Sea Urchin. |
Red and yellow gorgonians (Paramuricea
clavata), typical of the Scilla region. |
The "mountain" of Scilla is covered by
them. |
Cerianthus. |
Gorgonians. |
Mountain slope. |
Octopus macropus. |
Hyppocampus ramulosus. |
Most of them were pregnant. |
Hidden Caramote Prawn. |
Another Seahorse. |
Brittlestarfish. |
Ascidians. |
Seahorses. |
Turtle Slug. |
Another Turtle Slug. |