Transplant experiment at Panarea - 13-17 September 2010

Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Fiorella Prada (University of Bologna) went to Panarea to check the coral transplant experiment along a pH gradient inside an underwater volcano crater, for studying the effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean corals.

  A clip of the experimental field.


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Not the same touristic view of July. Ciccio (owner of the diving center), Fiorella and Stefano with Apecar


Astroides calycularis transplant.
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Fiorella and Stefano check that the experiment is still in place.


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Adding new samples is always a good idea.


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Fiorella and Stefano inside the crater.


The Apecar.
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Stefano and Fiorella.


Views of the surroundings.
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Pietra Nave.


Fiorella sampling Balanophyllia europaea.
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A nice overhang full of A. calycularis.


Glass anemone.
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Sea Anemone.


Sand buddies. Starfish.
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B. europaea.


A series of sand dwelling fishes.
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Landscape. Pelagia nocticula.
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Underwater light field.


Bucket of samples to be transplanted.
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Panarea by sunset.


Erik and Fiorella glueing corals on tiles.
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Which is a long and funny job.


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Fiorella in the crater.


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Artificial reef.


Fancy work tile. The hard work of biologists.
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Everything Ok? Sorry, this mission is over.