Mediterranean sampling at Elba Island - 6-7 December

Sampling mission of WP1in Elba Island. Stefano Goffredo and Erik Caroselli (Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna) sampled coral specimens and environmental parameters to be used in the various work packages. 

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Francesco the Captain, and Stefano.


Erik holding the multiparametric probe. We keep the dry suit because it's kinda cold.
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Tagged Caryophyllia for in situ growth measurement.


The plane wreck.


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Fixing thermometers.


The plane acts as an "artificial reef" and is covered by corals. Stefano checks the samples.
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Stefano shows to Francesco how to fix the corals in formalin after the collection. He will have to do this for 18 months to collect the specimens for reproduction studies..


Francesco, Emiliano (owner of the best restaurant on Elba Island), and Stefano.