Transplant experiment at Panarea - 1-9 March 2011

Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Fiorella Prada (University of Bologna) went to Panarea to check the coral transplant experiment along a pH gradient inside an underwater volcano crater, for studying the effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean corals. 

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Moving the boat into the sea.


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Erik, Fiorella, Bartolino "The Bandit" and Stefano.


Weather is not our friend this time.
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Workin' in the rain.


Fiorella in the diving-lab measures buoyant weight of corals.
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Stefano records the data.


Self assembled buoyant weighting apparatus (by Erik).
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Corals attached to tiles for regeneration experiments.


Serious work.
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Every day we have to set the boat in the water.


Stefano and Fiorella collecting water to keep the samples alive.
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The island may be small but the carnival is very close to the one of Rio de Janeiro :)


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Erik, Stefano, "Mama" Pina and Fiorella.


Pina's dog. Let's go diving? Maybe not...
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Stromboli and Basiluzzo islands in the distance.


Panoramas of Panarea.
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Dattilo, Lisca Bianca and Lisca Nera islands.


A nice bay. Rosemary bushes.
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The prehistoric site.


Some pics of the transplant experiment.
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CO2 bubbles from the crater of Bottaro 1.


  A friendly cuttlefish living close to the experiment.