Mediterranean sampling at Palmi - 30-31 May 2011

Sampling mission of WP1at Palmi. Fiorella Prada and Erik Caroselli (Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna) sampled coral specimens and environmental parameters to be used in the various work packages, with the aid of Giuseppe from the diving center "Le Sirene". 

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Fiorella and a minor part of the scientific gear.


The residence in Palmi. The Marinella Bay.
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Fiorella and Giuseppe before the sampling.


Fiorella collects water samples. Giuseppe looking for a nice spot to sample the coral species.


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Giuseppe and Erik.


Fixing the thermometers. Erik explains to Giuseppe how to process the samples...
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...after the collection.


The Sampling site. Erik prepares for the dive in Scilla.
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Scilla bay.


Let's go sampling!