Transplant experiment at Panarea - 24 July/3 August 2011
Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli
and Francesca Gizzi (University of Bologna) went to Panarea to check the coral transplant experiment
along a pH gradient inside an underwater volcano crater, for
studying the effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean corals.
Watch the video!
The usual Apecar to move heavy stuff
in Panarea.
Stefano and Francesca heading to the
experimental field.
The "wetlab".
View from the wetlab.
View from the dock.
One of the many yachts that dock in
Panarea on summer.
Erik and Francesca working inside the
Stefano working on the edge of the
The crater in the distance.
Francesca attaching grids to the
The experimental field is now well
delimited by underwater signs.
The control point, recognizable by the
abundance of seagrass.
The edge of the crater.
Stefano securing the cables.
Francesca and Stefano working inside
the crater.
An octopus spying us.
A Trypterigion.
Bubble emissions.
Bubbles come out directly from the
bottom, sometimes in the presence of bacteria.
The crater.
Safety stop.
The mutliparametric probe.
Stromboli volcano.
Francesca sampling environmental
parameters with the probe.