Transplant experiment at Panarea - 23 November/4 December 2011

Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Fiorella Prada (University of Bologna) went to Panarea to check the coral transplant experiment along a pH gradient inside an underwater volcano crater, for studying the effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean corals. 

Gas emissions sampling.


The video of the transplant experiment.


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Erik driving the boat to the crater. Heading Bottaro.


Golden Grouper...
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...and Brown Grouper, waiting for us at the crater.


Stefano is sampling the gas emissions. Stefano.
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The volcano of Stromboli behind Basiluzzo.


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Fiorella at the docks. Panarea jetty from our room at sunrise.
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Fiorella checking the experiment.


A Glass Anemone. Another Sea Anemone.
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The control site in the Posidonia medow.


Site 2... the edge of the crater.
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Site 4, inside the crater.


Corals in the bubbles.
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Carbon dioxyde bubbles.


  More Bubbles.