CoralWarm Meeting, Bologna, Italy (12-13 December 2011)

CoralWarm team members and collaborators gathered at the University of Bologna for an organizational meeting to update each other about the results of the various work packages and to plan future steps.

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Valentina Airi, Fiorella Prada, Selena Prantoni and Francesca Gizzi.


Giuseppe Falini, Simona Fermani, Luca Pasquini, Damir Kralj and Paola Fantazzini. Stefano Goffredo coordinates the meeting schedule together with Giuseppe Falini.
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Michela Reggi shows the last results of biomineralizations analyses.


All participants comment the results and find links to other aspects of the project.
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David Iluz, Zvy Dubinsky and Yulia Pinchasov in the first line.


Valentina Airi, Fiorella Prada, Selena Prantoni, Marianna Vannini, Francesca Gizzi and Stefania Evangelisti. Paola Fantazzini and Luca Pasquini, heads of the Physics Department's Group.
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Oren Levy and Giuseppe Falini.


The CoralWarm team members and collaborators.
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Giuseppe Falini illustrates the results of the analysis of lipid composition.


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Francesco Zaccanti.   David Iluz speaks with Leonardo Laiolo to arrange the details of the period he will spend in Israel to prepare his Master Thesis.


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Selena Prantoni, Fiorella Prada, Valentina Nanni and Arianna Mancuso.


Francesca Gizzi, Valentina Airi, Fiorella Prada and Arianna Mancuso.


Leonardo Laiolo.
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Luca Pasquini shows the principles of nanoindentation techniques.


Alan Molinari...
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...shows the results of nanoindentation techniques along different axes of coral skeletons.


Arianna Mancuso, instead, shows nanoindentation results on corals along a latitudinal temperature gradient.
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Paola Fantazzini shows the principles of NMR techniques. Stefania Evangelisti...


IMG_6433  IMG_6448  IMG_6450 the preliminary results of NMR application on corals.


Interexchange of ideas among the participants.
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Leonardo Laiolo shows the preliminary results of the phytoplankton dynamics modeling in the Gulf of Aqaba.


Oren Levy's seminar: The Complexity of Circadian Clocks in Symbiotic Corals
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 PhD students and professors fill the seminar room.


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Davide Pettener, Director of the Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology


After the interesting seminar...


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...Oren answers to the questions of the audience.


 Social dinner at the Cantine Bentivoglio Wine Restaurant
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  See you on 2012 in Tel Aviv!