Valentina Airi, Fiorella Prada, Selena
Prantoni and Francesca Gizzi. |
Giuseppe Falini, Simona Fermani, Luca
Pasquini, Damir Kralj and Paola Fantazzini. |
Stefano Goffredo coordinates the
meeting schedule together with Giuseppe Falini. |
Michela Reggi shows the last results
of biomineralizations analyses. |
All participants comment the results
and find links to other aspects of the project. |
David Iluz, Zvy Dubinsky and Yulia
Pinchasov in the first line. |
Valentina Airi, Fiorella Prada, Selena
Prantoni, Marianna Vannini, Francesca Gizzi and Stefania Evangelisti. |
Paola Fantazzini and Luca Pasquini,
heads of the Physics Department's Group.
Oren Levy and Giuseppe Falini. |
The CoralWarm team members and
collaborators. |
Giuseppe Falini illustrates the
results of the analysis of lipid composition. |
Francesco Zaccanti. |
David Iluz speaks with Leonardo Laiolo
to arrange the details of the period he will spend in Israel to prepare
his Master Thesis. |
Selena Prantoni, Fiorella Prada,
Valentina Nanni and Arianna Mancuso. |
Francesca Gizzi, Valentina Airi,
Fiorella Prada and Arianna Mancuso. |
Leonardo Laiolo. |
Luca Pasquini shows the principles of
nanoindentation techniques. |
Alan Molinari... |
...shows the results of
nanoindentation techniques along different axes of coral skeletons. |
Arianna Mancuso, instead, shows
nanoindentation results on corals along a latitudinal temperature
gradient. |
Paola Fantazzini shows the principles
of NMR techniques. |
Stefania Evangelisti...
...show the preliminary results of NMR
application on corals. |
Interexchange of ideas among the
participants. |
Leonardo Laiolo shows the preliminary
results of the phytoplankton dynamics modeling in the Gulf of Aqaba. |
Oren Levy's seminar: The Complexity of
Circadian Clocks in Symbiotic Corals |
PhD students and professors fill
the seminar room. |
Pettener, Director of the Department of Evolutionary and Experimental
Biology |
After the interesting seminar...
...Oren answers to the questions of
the audience. |
Social dinner at the Cantine
Bentivoglio Wine Restaurant |
See you on 2012 in Tel Aviv! |