Transplant experiment at Panarea - 27 April/5 May 2012

Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Fiorella Prada (University of Bologna) went to Panarea to check the coral transplant experiment along a pH gradient inside an underwater volcano crater, for studying the effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean corals. 

The video of the experiment.


Other videos of the mission.


Pana01 Pana02 Pana03
The Panarea jetty with Stromboli volcano on the horizon.


Stefano sets the experiment in the crater.
Pana04 Pana05 Pana06
Fiorella attaching corals.


Pelagia nocticula...
Pana07 Pana08 Pana09
...the most poisonous jellyfish of the Mediterranean..., watch out, Fiorella! ;-) The crater.
Pana10 Pana11 Pana12
CO2 bubbles.


Transplants in the crater. Fiorella in the wet lab.
Pana13 Pana14 Pana15
Fiorella at her first experience as captain. Stefano at his first experience as worshipper :-)


@Pietra Nave. Erik checking the weather with sophisticated weather predicting sunglasses and suit.
Pana16 Pana17 Pana18
Panarea jetty.


Stromboli (the volcano) and Basiluzzo (the rock). Iditella.
Pana19 Pana20 Pana21
Panarea city.


Bottaro, where the experiment is set. Heading back to Panarea from Bottaro.
Pana22 Pana23 Pana24
An Octopus guarding the experiment while we are on land.


Erik and Fiorella in the wet lab. Stefano and Fiorella processing the samples.
Pana25 Pana26 Pana27
Scientific gear, especially the washing machine :-)


Stefano. Fiorella.
Pana28 Pana29 Pana30
Beheaded Erik, Stefano, Fiorella, and Bartolo "The Bandit", owner of the boat.


Stefano, Fiorella and Erik at Bottaro.
Pana31 Pana32 Pana33
Fiorella performing the transect with the multiparametric probe to characterize the enviromental conditions along the experiment.


Pana34 Pana35 Pana36
Leptopsammia pruvoti.


Astroides calycularis.
Pana37 Pana38 Pana39
Balanophyllia europaea.


Panarea landscapes.
Pana40 Pana41 Pana42
Stefano and Fiorella after the last dive of the mission.


Bartolo "The Bandit", Giovanni, Fiorella, Erik, Giuseppe and Stefano. Same guys, different order: Fiorella, Erik, Giovanni, Bartolo "The Bandit", Stefano and Giuseppe
Game over.