The future of excellence research - 29 October 2013

Stefano Goffredo participated to the Information Day of the European Research Council, held in Napoli (Italy) at the Città della Scienza, as delegate for the CoralWarm project.

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Program of the session reserved to ERC grantees.


Niki Atzolatou (Head of the Grant Implementation Unit of ERC Executive Agency), Veronica Williams and Domenico Usai (ERC Executive Agency).


Horizon 2020, the new Framework of European funds,  will require publications to be open access.
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Veronica Williams gives her presentation.


The central role of the Principal Investigator... maintained also in Horizon 2020.
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The main Italian Istitutions that awarded an ERC grant in FP7.


The mission of the ERC Executive Agency. Let's change the room...
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In the main hall, some examples of ERC projects are shown.


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  The event Poster.


Project brochure.