![]() ![]() EURO ISRS SYMPOSIUM 2010: Reefs in changing environment 13-17 December, Wagenigen (Netherlands) CoralWarm team was present with poster and oral presentations. |
We leave! Heading Netherlands!
During the travel, we prepare the
...while enjoying the beautiful
northern landscapes.
The conference venue. | |
Poster session: Francesco Pensa
presents a poster on the Red Coral.
Simone Branchini has a poster on the
first three years of the citizen science biodiversity monitoring program
STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment (www.STEproject.org).
Michela Reggi presents the results about the analyses of the organic matrix of Balanophyllia europaea. |
Chiara Marchini has a poster on the
reproduction of Caryophyllia inornata.
Stefano Goffredo checks the poster of Erik Caroselli on population dynamics of Leptopsammia pruvoti. | Pilar Casado de Amezua has a poster on reproduction of Astroides calycularis. |
During the poster session many
researchers came...
...to ask information about CoralWarm
Between the sessions, someone works... | |
...someone get some relax...
...and someone hopes that the submitted projects will be funded! | The plenary talk... |
...by Zvy Dubinsky.
One of the sessions takes place at Burgers' Zoo. | Some penguin is waiting for us... |
...perfectly acclimated to the local
After the morning sessions... | |
...we visit the oceanarium. | |
Species from all the world are hosted
There is also a tropical zone in the zoo. | |
The Manatee!
Several tropical birds.
The Alligator. |
Don't worry, it's not coming out.
A Wild Boar. | |
The Mouflon.
Did you enjoy the zoo? | |
During the last session Fiorella Prada
gives her talk on the effect of temperature on skeletal parameters of
Balanophyllia europaea and Leptopsammia pruvoti.
The hall was almost full.
After all the work, it's time for the
gala dinner.
Even in these moments we still speak
about work.
After dinner?
We taste the famous dutch beers. | |
The day of the departure we are caught
in a snow storm...but that's another story...