Preliminary survey at Portofino (Genova) - 30 March 2011

Marco Cova and Alberto Beccari (Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna) went to Portofino to select the best site for sampling the coral species to be used in the various WPs. 

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View from the jetty in Recco.


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Marco Franco, owner of the Bubble Lounge Diving Center, who is helping the CoralWarm team for the filedwork near Genova.


Giacomo, divemaster of the Bubble Lounge Diving Center.
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Landscape in Portofino.


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The three species to be sampled: Balanophyllia europaea, Caryophyllia inornata and Leptopsammia pruvoti.


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The post indicating the diving site.


Yes! We found all the three species in the same diving site! Mission accomplished.
  Now back to the lab! :)