10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences, Mikhmoret (Israel), 13-14 March 2013

CoralWarm participated with one lecture presented by Keren Maor Landau and one poster by Fiorella Prada

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           Everything is ready and set for the 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences at the Ruppin Academic Center.

        Noga Stambler, one of the committee members, welcoming the participants, in particular Keren J

        Noa and Sarit already took a nice spot to listen to the presentations.

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      Said, who is doing his Ph.D. in Zvy's lab, is practicing his lecture!

Said, Sarit and Keren

       Eldad and Yisrael, who are doing their Ph.D. in Oren's lab and of course our favorite aquarium technician, Mor

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        The conference began with a nice and simple one hour lecture on the physics of tracking particle flow fields...

 …after which the coffee break on the terrace by the sea was absolutely mandatory! 

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Said and Yisrael chatting Said and Zvy Ready for the second round. This time in the second lecture room where also the posters are exposed.
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Said presents his work entitled “Effect of fluctuating light on photosynthesis enhancement and xanthophyll cycle in microalgae”. Yisrael gives a talk on the “Host location and specificity in the Red Sea Boxer crab Lybia leptochelis”.
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Most of the time having an interpreter would have been wonderful.. many presentations were ENTIRELY un Hebrew! Now it’s time for Eldad’s presentation...
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...entitled “Cyclic coral calcification rhythms – Acropora eurystoma as a case study”.

Followed by Itay Cohen, who is doing his Ph.D. with Zvy and Jonathan Erez

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He is trying to answer the question “Is light enhanced calcification in hermatypic corals mediated by photosynthesis?”

Lunch time! Sarit, Modi, Oren and Keren

Itay and Jonathan Erez
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 After lunch the poster session begins. Fiorella presents her poster on the effects of ocean acidification on the bottom cover of Mediterranean organisms naturally occuring along the Panarea CO2 gradient.

Yes Keren, it’s finally your turn!
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 She presented her results on differential gene expression under moderate and high levels of heat stress in the Scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata.  Right after Keren, Oren's Ph.D. student Modi gives his talk...
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...on the “Temporal and histological evaluation of melatonin patterns reveals clues to its biological significance in basal metazoans”. In the evening a nice initiative called “Science and the people” brought together scientists from different universities who presented their research to the people in coffee shops and restaurants all over Tel Aviv.

Of course Zvy couldn’t miss it...

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...and with his incredible enthusiasm gave a nice lecture on corals to a pretty unusual class, between platters of hummus and falafel! J